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Why Do Women Who Want to Feel the Shoulder of a Strong Man Attract Weak Men?

We women often look for a strong man with whom we can feel safe, like behind a stone wall. But why do we sometimes choose men who literally hide behind us? And some representatives of the stronger sex even manage to “sit on our necks”. Unfortunately, the reason usually lies in the women themselves. Why do women who want to feel the shoulder of a strong man attract weak men?

Too much autonomy

Let’s start with the fact that a woman who lives by the principle of “I can do everything myself” naturally attracts weak men. They are simply looking for a woman who will always do everything herself. In addition, such behavior of a woman can turn many representatives of the stronger sex into weak ones. A man, seeing that a woman copes with everything by herself, stops trying and often sits down comfortably on his favorite sofa, in front of the TV, not preventing his soulmate from demonstrating her independence. Therefore, at least sometimes, for preventive purposes, you need to show a man that you need his help.

Are there no more strong men?

Do you think that there aren’t any strong men left? It’s not true, you just, without realizing it yourself, pay attention to those men who will confirm the truth you imagine. When a woman is convinced that there are only weak men everywhere, they will constantly come into her sight. People tend to pay attention only to things that meet their expectations and ignore everything else.


If you constantly talk only about yourself and tend to exaggerate your achievements, this can scare off a strong man. Try to brag less and be more interested in the people around you – a caring woman looks much more attractive than a braggart.

Excessive concern about one’s appearance

Of course, a beautiful exterior is a great advantage of a woman, but the interior can’t be empty. Don’t forget that strong men are usually also smart. If you spend all your time just taking care of yourself, you probably won’t have anything to talk about with such a man. If you spend the whole day in beauty salons or shops, you won’t have anything to tell your crush in the evening. Take up hobbies and deepen your knowledge in the field you like – it is very important for a strong man that his woman has favorite activities.

Why Do Women Who Want to Feel the Shoulder of a Strong Man Attract Weak Men?

Exaggerated sophistication

You regularly visit the theater or art galleries, you can list all the most famous composers without blinking an eye, and during a fancy dinner you know exactly what all the cutlery is for… This is great, but if you constantly demonstrate it, then naturally even the strongest a man next to you can feel like a white crow. Certainly, not all people can boast of such knowledge or skills, therefore, constantly emphasizing it, any man around you can feel bad.

The desire to always prove yourself right

If you always try to prove yourself right, you should ask yourself: do you want to always be right, or do you want to be happy? It must be understood that when arguing with him, sometimes it is better to “extinguish” the dispute and give up.

The desire to dictate how he should behave

A strong man will definitely not want to see a woman next to him who constantly tells him how he should act in one or another situation. No matter how much you want your man to always open the car door for you, hand you a coat, or otherwise take care of you, you really don’t need to talk about it out loud. If you tell him every step of the way how he should act, your relationship probably won’t last long.

Take advantage of all the “advantages”

Pointing out that a man’s primary job is to pay for everything can scare off even men who have no financial worries. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a man paying for dinner at a restaurant, but there should be no talk of a man having to support a woman. If a man thinks that you are just looking for a supporter, you will most likely go your separate ways after the first date. Strong men want to take care of their women, but don’t force it.

Too much attention

If you start texting as soon as the date ends and an hour later you’re already talking about how much you miss him, it’s likely to turn him off. Give him freedom. It is better to wait a little until he shows you attention himself, and then you can respond in kind. Of course, sometimes you can also take the initiative, but don’t forget that it is important for every person to have personal space.

Desire to get married as soon as possible

Even if you don’t say it directly, a man will definitely understand it from your words and actions. It would be better not to rush things too much – if already on the first dates you are just impatient to introduce him to your parents, it is likely that he will not like it.

Desire to compete

Being an overbearing career woman who wants to compete with others and show off her superiority can scare off a strong man. If a man thinks that your ambitions are higher than his, you can only become his friend or business partner, but certainly not his lover. Of course, there are exceptions to everything – some men actually like strong and ambitious women.

Constant need for help

While most men are happy to take care of their woman, it eventually gets tiring. If you keep asking him to pick you up from work, if you want your man to stand up and defend you during every argument with other people, it is natural that the relationship can end quickly. Yes, strong men really want to take care of their beloved, but there are limits to everything: if there is a lack of independence, the relationship may not last long.

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