It’s no secret that men can feel a lot of pressure when it comes to sex. A brave man has revealed what it’s like to live with an extremely small penis, or micropenis, and what women’s reactions are when they find out.
Micropenis – how long is it?
A man reveals what it’s like to live with a micropenis, saying it’s impossible to hide it from women.
If you haven’t heard of it, it’s basically a medical term for a penis that is smaller than average and is noticeable at birth, according to
According to a 2010 study published in the journal Science Direct, Disorders of the Penis and Scrotum, the official definition of a micropenis is: a penis that is more than 2.5 standard deviations below the age-specific mean.

According to Healthline, a micropenis is usually less than 9.32 cm in adult men and less than 3.8 cm in pre-pubescent boys. Meanwhile, in newborns, it is usually less than 1.9 cm.
To give people an idea of what it’s like to live with an extremely small penis, a Reddit user decided to reveal how it affects his sex life.
He admitted that he is “disgusted” that he was born with such a small penis, but allowed people to ask whatever questions they wanted.
How do women react to this?
One person immediately asked the question, “What’s sex like when you meet girls? Do you tell her the whole truth right away or do you just act normal and silently pray that everything will be okay?”
The man replied that he is “not in a hurry to lie to women” because it just don’t make sense.
He explained: “In the beginning, when we are just getting to know each other, when we start talking about sex, I’m open about my size.”
“Other times, in a moment of sudden passion with a woman I’ve just met, I pull out my dick, and when that happens, I hope for the best. But I’ve also experienced many awkward and disturbing moments.”
Another user asks what is the reaction of women when they see his penis?

He answers this question as follows: “For the most part, all the partners I’ve been with have been disappointed. This usually leaves an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience. I’m really insecure, but all I can do is accept myself as I am.”
People sympathized with the man, admitting that they felt sorry for the situation.
Another wrote words of encouragement and asked the man to reveal what personal qualities he liked best.
Then the man replied, “My friends say that I am a good listener and can give good advice. I like to be with the people I love.”
This encouraged other people to encourage him.

How to help someone with micropenis?
Most psychologists and sexologists claim that men with a small penis are especially creative, with an amazing imagination that compensates for the small gift of nature. They, like extremely short people, emerge from their hard shell and surround a woman with attention, care, love and tenderness. As a rule, such men, as noted by psychologists, are good lovers, because partners with a small penis are extremely attentive to a woman’s needs, willingly fulfill her whims, listen to advice, observe and draw conclusions.
What should a woman do if her partner has a small penis?
It is recommended to initiate sex more often in those positions that she likes the most. Here, however, it should be kept in mind that they will enjoy the most positions in which the man’s penis can penetrate deeply or where the vagina seems more tight. Therefore, it is worth having sex in a doggy or cowgirl position (leaning back a little so that the angle of the vagina changes a little). The mentioned positions allow the woman to feel the friction of the penis.

The missionary position is also suitable, only the woman should keep several pillows under her hips and, when the man’s penis enters, she should hook her legs together (the man’s legs should hug yours). In short, it’s worth experimenting.
In addition, a small penis is a great opportunity to use the achievements of science. If couples are not bothered by complexes, it is possible to use the recommendations of consultants in sex shops.
Here are some options:
- Special penile extensions. They are similar to condoms and allow you to lengthen the penis by 2-5 centimeters. Sometimes they come with different bumps and textures for extra stimulation. Thus, the penis is not only lengthened, but also made thicker.
- Vacuum pumps. They accelerate blood circulation, after such a procedure the penis becomes longer and thicker. An additional benefit is an extremely strong erection.