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Can Sex Without Orgasm Be Harmful, and What Happens To Your Body if There Is No Regular Sex

Many talk about the benefits of sex, and harm to your body, if sex is rare or there is no sex at all. However, only some point out that it is not sex itself that is valuable, but sex that ends in orgasm. It is at the moment of the highest pleasure that physiological processes take place in the body, which have a positive effect on health. The arithmetic is simple: sex without orgasm is just as harmful as lack of sex. If you have regular sex but no regular orgasm, it’s time to take care of yourself.

Sexologists and other specialists in this field often tell their clients: “Everyone is responsible for their own orgasm.” This means no waiting years for a miracle or blaming your partner for not satisfying you. It is necessary to engage in self-analysis. After all, there are many reasons why you don’t have an orgasm, and if you discover one of them (by yourself or with the help of professionals), your sex life can significantly improve in terms of quality. Let’s look at the effects of lack of sex on the human body, mind and well-being.

The pursuit of happiness

Higher ambition means more stress, depression and fatigue. In the crazy rhythm of life, people are forced to constantly search for something that brings happiness and pleasure. And scientifically speaking, we are trying to find the source of endorphins and dopamine.

At the moment of orgasm, a whole cocktail of hormones is released in the blood, which gives us a feeling of happiness and pleasure.

When there is little or no sex, we instinctively start looking for other ways to please ourselves. Usually it is food, sweets, sometimes it’s sport, etc.

Weak immunity

At the moment of orgasm, the blood turns into a real cocktail of hormones that regenerates all body cells and even “repairs” “broken” and weakened cells. The result: the impact of harmful factors on your body is reduced. This does not mean that a cold won’t go away without regular intercourse. Immunity can also decrease, but you will feel it in a mild form.

Decreased sleep quality

Endorphins, which are naturally released during sex, bring you closer to a state of euphoria. And it promotes complete relaxation of the body.

The hormone oxytocin, which is released during orgasm, causes a pleasant sleepiness, which makes sleep deeper.

If you don’t have sex, it doesn’t mean that you will be constantly sleep-starved, but you must admit that the sleep after intercourse is sweeter and more pleasant, which means that you will feel better rested and happier in the morning.

Slowed down regeneration processes

Sex stimulates regeneration processes and even activates collagen production.

According to gynecologists, this is especially true for women over the age of 35, for whom the amount of collagen begins to steadily decrease.

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