
Confession of an escort girl: “I do not envy these men’s wives”

Continuing the series of stories of our escort girls, one more woman shared her experience – let’s call her Lola. The interview with her makes you wonder why men buy escort girls. There is neither love nor commitment in this relationship. He pays – she provides confidentiality, sex and a nice time.

Since there are no dates or love here, I get the feeling that escort girls have seen the side of men that most women never see. In addition, I can say almost clearly that she knows men better than most women ever will. This time more about what sex workers think about their male clients, dating and sex.

Tell me, what do most men want when they order escort girls?

Guys who buy escort girls are just looking for a fantasy. Yes, some are looking for sex, while others just want the company of a girl who, to be honest, wouldn’t even pay him attention if there were no money.

Can you explain what you mean by “fantasy”?

Most of the men I serve are married or in a relationship. Office staff, lawyers, men with three children at home. Even if they are rich, they seem stressful and unhappy. At home, they have a pile of dirty diapers, an annoyed wife, and a stressful job – a million things.

From what I have seen, men often want to escape from it. They want to spend time with a nice woman who behaves as if they are the center of the universe, even if it’s only for an hour. They want to feel attractive.

Another thing they like about escort girls is the illusion of control. They have control over their imagination. They decide what we will do, and they know I will not reject him. They know I will be ready to do what they want.

What do you wear as an escort girl?

Not what most women would expect. I dress in classic clothes. I usually dress like an ordinary woman attending a social event. Men are not particularly fond of fishnet stockings or leather clothes. They usually want a beautiful, tidy and intelligent girl.

I think it is because they are frightened by the idea of ​​a shady girl who has obviously been with many others.

Men become very insecure when they are with a girl who has had more sex than themselves. If you dress in classic clothes, men at least have the illusion that you are “innocent and clean.”

You said that these men are often in a relationship. Have you ever wondered why they cheat?

That is obvious. Some men, let me be direct, are complete jerks. There is no other way to say it. These men will never be loyal, even if they are with a supermodel. They want more, more and more. They think they deserve more because they have more money. They don’t care about their wives, just themselves.

Others feel that they have dedicated their whole lives to others, so he now has the right to have fun with an escort girl.

Some men are just unhappy. Many wives simply ignore or underestimate their husbands. Sometimes their wives just stop caring for themselves and lose their beauty. Other times, wives stop having sex or even touching their men. In such cases, I feel sorry for these men.

There is often such sadness in their eyes. Sometimes after sex men just cry in my arms because they want to be able to get the same from their wives.

That sounds awful!

Yes it is! It messes with their minds. It makes them feel insecure about themselves!

Let’s talk about the lack of self-confidence. What insecurities about men have you noticed that most women might not have noticed?

Well, first of all, you won’t really buy sex if you’re completely confident. Most guys are aware that sleeping with an attractive woman will boost his self-esteem.

I think men never feel completely satisfied with who they are. Of course, most men want to hear that they are great in bed. They want to see lust in a woman’s eyes. Some just want to feel nice and cared about.

The others? All they want to hear is the excitement of their success.

Lonely people tend to be much more insecure and depressed than married men.

It sounds like you have to talk alot with them.

Completely agree! 100%. You see, one thing women don’t understand is how often guys just want to let out their emotions. The problem is that they are worried that the girls will condemn them. They are afraid to ask for compliments and are afraid of being considered “too weak”, which makes them close in.

Most men crave women who do not judge them. Every time they hear the phrase about his penis that is too small, his body that is not fit enough, or that he is doing something wrong, they close in.

The thing is, they can’t keap it all in for a long time and hope that everything will be fine – they need to let it out somehow. It is enough for other men to chat with me because they know I will not judge them.

Let’s talk about sex. Do they ask crazy things?

No. Most men really just want a blowjob and simple gentle sex. You’d be surprised how many men hire an escort because they don’t have sex at home. Most men aren’t really that weird, even with escort girls. And most men who like strange things usually choose professional dominant women.

Would you say that most of them have a happy marriage?

That’s hard to say. Some just want to have some fun. I doubt their wives are happy if they find out. But it seems that these guys are generally happy with their lives. Others just don’t get enough from their ladies, so they come to me. They do not want to leave their wives because they feel comfortable in their marriage.

Who are really unhappy? Those whose marriage is already dead – no lust, no sex, no love, no kind words… I don’t blame them.

How has working in the sex industry changed your view of men?

I feel disappointed in them. I feel sad that they can’t obtain approval in any other way. But at the same time, I feel a little distrust. So many married men! How can I expect a man to be loyal after seeing it all?

I can’t understand why men can’t openly talk to their wives – tell them about their needs and feelings. If they did, there would be no such thing as escort girls.

What about single guys?

Many of the lonely guys I meet are inexperienced. They do not know how to meet girls and are very nervous about sex. They often just need to raise their self-esteem. Many of them come to me only once, which means I take their virginity, and then they have enough confidence to meet a girl. However, most single boys who meet escort girls are very depressed.

Do you have any advice for men?

We have a saying: “If a man treated his wife like his whore, it would be the best marriage in the world.” Seriously! Many have given me gifts, taken me shopping, tried to propose, mostly everyone is very kind and polite. Only a small portion of men are rude.

Most clients treat me better than my partners did when I was in a relationship. From what I’ve seen, my clients treat me better than their wives too. I feel sorry for their wives. Very sorry. For this reason, I no longer have a serious relationship.

I really want more men to try to talk to their wives. About everything! Or better yet, meet girls who accept them for who they really are.

Honestly, I think this is a big problem in today’s society. I cannot name how many men have offered to leave their wives for me.

From what they have told me, I can tell you that many of my clients are married because they felt they just had to. But then the girl judges him, ignores him and can’t fully accept him. This is terrible, and it is a foolish mistake. I mean, who really wants to be married to someone who judges him so much?

Do you have any advice for women?

YES! First of all, if you have a relationship, don’t take your man for granted. Invest in making everyday life exciting and sexy. And most importantly – take care of yourself! Otherwise, he will want to feel lust elsewhere, or he will just get up and leave.

Next, if I were you, I would really try to force my man to speak openly and directly about his desires, feelings and everything else. Don’t judge what he sais, just accept it! Boys often have no one to talk to.

Third, you must understand that monogamy is not for everyone, but double standards are good for none. If he cheats on you and expects you to be loyal, you have to walk away! It’s not fair to you! If you want, try an open relationship, but still stop settling for these things. I’ve seen what cheating does to women, you don’t want that.

And finally, I really want you to know how many men are really unsure of themselves. Believe me, encouraging conversation, compliments and admiration for men can never be too much. Do it and he will melt in your hands.

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