Many probably remember the famous scene from the movie “When Harry Met Sally” in which Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm to show that men don’t realize when women do it. But it turns out that not only women, but also men sometimes fake an orgasm. A study on sexual habits found that as many as 39% of men do it once in a while.
If a man makes love with a condom, faking an orgasm is not that difficult. But, of course, sex is not just about orgasm – even without ejaculation, you can have an amazing sexual experience. On the other hand, we have to agree – for most people, the goal of sex is orgasm, so let’s give some tips.
Why does he sometimes fake an orgasm?
Men play orgasm for the same reason as women – they are aware that they will not feel the greatest pleasure this time, but they want to give their partner the impression that everything is as good as possible.
It is easier for men to fake an orgasm than to admit what is happening and talk to their partner.
What prevents men from reaching orgasm?
The reasons tend to be different – medications, sexual trauma, too frequent masturbation. A man may be tired or simply not in the mood for sex. He may avoid orgasm for fear of unwanted pregnancy; being too drunk also prevents it from being achieved.
What can be done to increase the chances of reaching an orgasm?
Tell your partner that sometimes it’s hard for you to reach the peak of pleasure (if you don’t tell her about it, she will most likely think that it’s her fault, that you don’t find her attractive).
When there are no such high expectations, there will be no pressure to necessarily reach orgasm and no need to pretend.
Then you will be able to relax and enjoy sex, and without feeling tension, you are more likely to experience an orgasm. But don’t exaggerate – tell it like it is, for example: “I take antidepressants and it’s harder for me to reach orgasm. This is in no way related to you. You are very beautiful and sexy.”
No need to invent fairy tales. If there is no specific reason for the lack of orgasm, say: “You are so sexy, I am very into you, but I am terribly nervous.”
Compliments and jokes will relax both of you. Consider not watching porn and refraining from masturbation on the day you plan to have sex. But take into account – what can help one, not another.
Some abstain from masturbation and pornography in order to feel a stronger sexual desire for a partner. Often, such people think about sex during the day, create sexual fantasies in order to feel lust during sexual intercourse and achieve an orgasm more easily.
On the other hand, to some abstaining from masturbation and pornography only reduces sex drive, so it becomes more difficult to experience orgasm. Experiment and see if abstaining from the above mentioned things will help you achieve orgasm during sex with your partner.
How to increase sensitivity when making love with a condom?
It’s no secret that a condom is a barrier between you and your partner that reduces sensitivity. There is no doubt that it is necessary to use condoms even if you have sex with a regular partner (to protect against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases).
To increase sensitivity, it is preferable to buy thinner condoms, they are more expensive, but worth the investment. Second, you will need a lubricant.
We recommend putting a few drops of lubricant on the tip of the condom. This increases stimulation – the head of the penis is wetter, so the sensitivity of the entire penis increases.
Don’t limit yourself to vaginal or anal penetration
28 percent of the men who took part in the already mentioned study said that it was difficult or even impossible for them to achieve orgasm only during vaginal or anal sex. In this case, you can try oral sex, nipple stimulation, stroking with your hands.
Various role-playing games also promote sexual tension and passion, so the possibility of reaching orgasm increases. Also remember that many women don’t orgasm just from having your penis inserted into their vagina, so they’ll likely want to try other methods of sexual arousal.
Mutual masturbation also guarantees that both partners will experience pleasure. You can touch both yourself and your partner’s erogenous zones – neck, thighs, anus. You can watch porn while masturbating.
Uses sex toys
30 percent of men found that they had difficulty reaching orgasm without sex toys (or masturbation). We definitely recommend trying sex toys because they increase your chances of reaching orgasm, no to mention the range of sex toys is very wide.
Don’t be afraid of anal stimulation
It is probably clear to everyone now that anal stimulation does not make a man homosexual or bisexual. Do not forget about prostate stimulation, which is achieved by touching the area between the testicles and the anus or directly through the anus. The prostate is very sensitive, its stimulation leads to prostate orgasm with or without ejaculation.
Here are some tips on how to do it:
- Touch yourself slowly, exploring so you don’t feel discomfort or pain.
- It is advisable to use a lot of lubricant.
- Explore sensations using sex toys around the anus and in the anus itself.
- When you know what you like, it will be easier to show your partner what you like.
What to do if you still can’t reach orgasm?
Maybe you’ve tried all the tips above, but still can’t seem to get an orgasm? It happens that your penis does not always work as you intended. We recommend telling your partner that she turns you on, but you’re just tired tonight and you just want to cuddle.
It is important to understand that there is no need to make a tragedy if sometimes you do not reach orgasm and you do not have to lie. If you have not experienced an orgasm sometimes, do not forget to tell your partner that sex with her is charming and pleasant, even if sometimes it does not end with an orgasm.