
Is There Such Thing As a “Perfect Penis”? Let’s Talk About Penis Size

The 21st century, you see, is set up in such a way that some women fall prey to society’s imposed beauty standards – the plastic surgery industry thrives, pumping them full of artificial enhancers, meanwhile, the so-called “dad bod” comes into fashion for men, which includes a lazy lifestyle with a shameless beer belly. But, it must be admitted that even a trained body does not help much if the penis size does not match the proportions.

I first started thinking about size and its meaning only several years after losing my virginity.

But I think about this question just like Carrie Bradshaw, writing her “New York Times” relationship column in the “Sex and the City” series, how important is the phallus in the life of a self-sufficient heterosexual woman and how important is the size of a potential partner’s penis for me.

We are born without it and in many cases we can do without it, but it is already written in our instincts how vitally necessary a penis size is to women. The variety of this men’s “toy” (which is always at hand) is so wide that even if you look for it in life, you will hardly find two identical members.

I flipped through the pages of the past and could not draw a single conclusion. Arsenal came off as multi-faceted as the athletes at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The scene opens up quite wide, for almost every taste, and the temperament of each penis’s owner also comes into play.

Those who are not blessed by nature with an extra centimeter happily read comments on the Internet that it is not the size that matters, but how it is used. I don’t want to get the reputation of a utopia blockbuster, but it often only sounds good in theory. Such self-comforters often loudly represent how good they are at everything, even satisfying several women at once. But when everything comes to the “sweet” end, often all that is left of the whole performance is the disappointment of lost hopes and time – neither the size of his “friend”, nor the skill of his fingers, nor even the partner himself provides relief. The woman remains waiting for the end of the premiere, realizing that she will definitely not give good recommendations about this show to her friend.

However, so that everything does not sound so hopeless, you must understand that one prefers a daughter, another – a mother, and the third wants a neighbor.

There is no perfect penis size that fits all.

Just as the dimensions of a man’s “thing” cannot be determined by the size of a nose or a foot, the dimensions of a woman’s vagina are as unique as fingerprints, and you can only find your “perfect match” by trying them on – just like in a shoe store.

Maria (23) says: “Maybe it sounds a bit pathetic, but once I dated a man only because of his penis, you could even say I had a relationship with a total “dick” in the literal sense of this word. In our domestic life, we were accompanied by countless arguments about little things, but everything was forgotten when we were in each other’s arms. I really had the feeling that the particular penis was made to my order – everything was perfect: length, girth, size of the head, even the taste! If I had the option to end the relationship, but keep my new “friend”, I would definitely have done so shortly after celebrating the year together.”

After all my brainstorming, I conclude that it is a terrible luck – to find the perfect one, with which your clock gears click as precisely as if they were placed in the hands of an experienced watchmaker. If there’s also that chemistry that clouds even the clearest panes of the window, it can rarely be broken by some physical feature of a partner. If there is a feeling of inadequacy, it probably only creeps in with the introduction of a routine in your relationships.

Everyone’s taste buds on men are different, but if I had to visualize my perfect symbol of masculinity, it would definitely be neatly trimmed, straight, 16-20 centimeters long and 4-5 centimeters in diameter, with a head that does not stand out against the general background, but smoothly closes the penis, only slightly flattening it. Pronounced vein reticulation as the thing swells would be considered a plus, as would not losing much size in the non-erect state (although this point is functionally insignificant, but nice).

But… the owner of such a rare copy, of course, cannot hope that monotonous ice cutting will bring the cut to the shore. A woman, however, is the most complex of the instruments created by God, on whose sonorous melody a man can play only if he puts his lust into action. We are like a mathematical multiplier, everything that life gives us, we multiply in return : bring home a fish, we will make dinner, give us space to live in, we will make home to return to, give us love in action, we will give back our own heart… And it’s also good to remember: if you give us a bucket of dirt, you’ll get a ton of tar back.

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