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Lingerie and grandmother’s underwear – what does lingerie mean?

Sexy and seductive lingerie is one of the factors that makes any man’s feelings (and not just feelings) literally swell. Of course, releasing a woman from seductive chicken sets often doesn’t go as smoothly as you’d like, but you’ll agree that lingerie really does hold incredible charm. Have you ever wondered what lace and grandma’s rabbits mean? Sekss.lv is ready to help you find answers to this question.


Seductive red lingerie

The choice of panties and bra is largely based on the woman’s own sense of style and taste, but the set of lingerie does not speak only of itself – it expresses the lady’s feelings, mood, as well as reflects the woman’s most hidden and ardent desires. If you notice that your sweetheart has dressed her body in a seductive reddish shade, then you know that reds, as well as burgundy tones in lingerie, indicate such things as passion and a high level of sexual confidence.

A woman in red is definitely brave and open both in life and in sexual matters. She is ready to act impulsively enough and sometimes even dramatically. Does that mean particularly naughty and “angry” sex? Not always! However, one thing is clear – the girl in red is able to take the lead and effectively feel the role of the dominant partner.


Feminine lace

Men love with their eyes! That’s why most people of the stronger sex admit that feminine glamorous lace is one of their all-time favorite types of lingerie. True – with lace you can never go corncrake! If you have decided to delight your beauty with a new and especially attractive set of dishes, the most diverse lace creations are exactly what you need.

But what exactly does a lady want to express when dressing in finely elegant lace underwear? There are no two thoughts here – this slut wants to seduce you! This woman is well aware that men’s minds (and limbs) are unable to withstand the tension caused by their lustful sexually challenging lace bouquet sets.


Hanging grandmother's rabbits

Say what you want, but every woman has at least one pair of hanging, crumpled, and not very eye-catching “grandmother’s style” panties in the closet. Yes, you understood correctly – there can be no talk of sexuality here! These large ”panties’ are most likely for the days when the so-called “red fairy” visits the fair sex once a month.

No attempt has been made, but if you notice that your partner’s bottom is covered by these unsympathetic big panties, you better not challenge your destiny and do not touch her!


Knitwear and boxer shorts

Those ladies who are more inclined towards maximum comfort than small and distracting details, often choose boyish-style boxer shorts for everyday wear. These shorts look like boxer-type panties for the stronger sex. Why such a choice? Choosing in favor of boys’ boxer shorts shows a woman’s receptivity and balance.

This woman probably has neither the time nor the desire to go on an insignificant marathon of supermarket rafting to buy embroidered, flowery, and still communicating decorated panties. She is a determinant both daily and in bed, and her strong sexuality is ready to bless any man who will be able to adapt to the demanding lifestyle of this beauty.


Lace and thong

Finally, we have come to the most miniature piece of women’s clothing, namely thongs. Let’s do without hypocrisy – who doesn’t like thongs? These type of panties perfectly highlights the roundnesses characteristic of the fair sex. But is a lady who prefers to wear thongs on a daily basis really ready for anything?

Thongs signify wild beliefs and markedly open sexuality. If your partner’s pantry compartment is decorated with a whole pile of playful and extremely horny thong panties, then you know that she is home to a real queen!

Sex with this girl is really enjoyable, and your personal kamasutra book is definitely starting to lack.

How to encourage a girl to do something particularly erotic? Take a joint virtual shopping tour of the most tempting lingerie shops in Finland! Don’t be afraid to tell your partner clearly about which set of lingerie you would like to see her best. It will whet your emotions and help you both sink into seductive fantasies.

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