Studies show that the breakdown of many marriages is due to unsatisfactory sex life or lack thereof. Partners move away and become lovers from lovers. Regular sex can help in such situations.
Family psychologists often claim that sex makes you blind. And the truth alone is – how can you be angry at a person who gives you pleasure in bed and makes you happy? Intimacy, along with the release of happiness and pleasure hormones, makes you forget for a moment about your partner’s shortcomings. Therefore, couples who experience relationship problems should have regular sex .
Sex helps partners change attitudes towards each other and get closer. Often people do not want to talk about problems in a relationship and hide their pain better than talk about it. Without taking the time to find a common solution to the problem, they argue and blame each other. It only makes the situation worse and ultimately destroys the relationship. When a couple has sex, they get really close and can share any secrets.
Physical contact helps partners not to cool off against each other. A happy marriage is always a place to communicate, and this statement also applies to sex life. Focus on your partner during sex, talk about what you like and what you would like. Also take an interest in each other’s needs.
It has been proven that a couple who often makes love is more likely to have a strong and lasting relationship. They get to a deeper level. This helps them solve problems and find a compromise quickly.
Examining the causes of mistrust, the researchers concluded that people who forbid their partners from having sex literally push them into adultery. Regular love creates satisfaction and thus deters you from wanting to be with other people.
In addition, regular sex with your partner will help you be more open and not shy about your body. When you feel sexually attractive, it increases your confidence, which has a positive effect on all aspects of your life.