Looking for creative ideas? Check out the most searched Kamasutra sex positions on the Internet. If you want to improve your intimate routine, maybe these positions will give rise to new ideas.
Kamasutra, the ancient Indian art of lovemaking, offers many fun positions and you can try to find the one that pleases you both the most. Where to start is up to you – we recommend the top 5 sex positions that attract the most people’s curiosity based on the Internet search trends.
According to SlotsUP, Internet searches for the phrase “best sex position” have increased by 335% in the past year. So here we have compiled a list of some of the most searched sex positions on Google. Here’s what they are.
5 most searched sex positions on the Internet
The lotus position is often described as a sex position for couples with a special connection because it is very intimate and sensual: it allows for close movements and kisses.
In this position, the man sits cross-legged, the woman on his lap.

This is a fun and not too acrobatic position that is often recommended for lazy couples. But be careful, it may require some flexibility.
In this case, the woman is lying down, resting on her elbows and leaning slightly to one side, placing one leg on the partner’s opposite shoulder.

This is definitely for the adventurous.
The wheelbarrow sex position requires the woman to get down on all fours in front of the man, while the man grabs the her ankles or hips. After that, the woman bends her legs, bringing them closer to her chest, and the man enters her from behind.
A simpler option – the woman rests her elbows on the edge of the bed.

Knee-chest position
This movement requires some flexibility on the part of the woman. A woman should lie on her back, raise her legs and pull her knees to her chest. During sex, she should rest her feet against the man’s chest (or her partner’s shoulders, whichever is more comfortable).


This position will work for flexible couples. The woman positions herself with her palms on the ground and her pelvis raised, forming a “bridge”. (The picture shows a simpler version). The partner kneels down and positions himself between her legs.