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What affects your penis size and is it possible to change it?

It is not worth worrying about the size of your penis, because not everyone can change it, but if you are not happy with it, understanding why all people’s bodies are different can help you accept the fact that not all parts of your body may be perfect.

Medical News Today lists the main reasons why male penis sizes are so different:

Genetics – Genes are the building blocks that determine the appearance and behavior of every living organism. Humans have 23 chromosome pairs, 1 of which is a set of sex chromosomes that determine a person’s sex and secondary sexual characteristics. The Y chromosome contains genes that determine the development and fertility of the male genitals, but not always the length or girth of the penis. This may also depend on the X chromosome. There are 900 to 1400 genes on the X chromosome, but only about 70 to 200 genes on the Y chromosome. This difference may explain why penis size differs between children with biological parents.

Hormones – Like estrogen and progesterone, affect women’s sexual characteristics, testosterone and other male hormones affect the growth of the testicles and penis. Fluctuations in testosterone levels during pregnancy can cause birth defects in the unborn baby. For example, the mother’s body does not produce enough human chorionic gonadotropin to stimulate fetal testosterone production.

Environment – Penis size can also be affected by various contaminants such as pesticides and other chemicals. Epigenetics is a growing field of science that studies how the environment can affect our genes. A 2019 study analyzing the link between epigenetics and nutrition found that an unsuitable environment could slow down boys’ genital progression.

Nutrition – Malnutrition can have an irreversible effect on organ development. In addition, eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia also affect human puberty. Although genetics is an important factor, even body fat can make the penis bigger or smaller.

There are various myths, but let’s be clear that the size of the penis is not affected by:

  • Foot size;
  • Height;
  • Masturbation.

penio dydis

Penis size correction

Many men suffer greatly from the size of their penis and experience psychological difficulties. There are various medications and surgeries for penis enlargement that produce results, but such a decision must be considered very carefully.

Medical News Today warns of potential health risks, while the Urology Care Foundation recommends that penis size correction can be performed only on men who have a rare physical condition called a micropenis (less than 7-8 cm during an erection).

The problem is that there are not enough studies to confirm the safety and effectiveness of penis size surgery or medication. Possible risks of penis enlargement:

  • Swelling, infection;
  • Scars after surgery;
  • Allergic reactions to the components of the medicine;
  • Erectile dysfunction;
  • Contact dermatitis.
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