
Anal Sex Toys: Which to Choose?

Sometimes sex can just get boring – and there’s nothing weird about it. However, instead of coming to terms with the current situation, a better solution would be to take action and change something in it. How to do it? Try something new, like anal sex. Sounds drastic? You don’t have to take action right away – anal sex toys can encourage you to embark on this journey. Sex diversification? Yes! Pleasure? Yes! So what are we waiting for?

Anal sex toys: Which are the best?

Like regular sex toys, the range of anal toys is large enough for everyone to find the option they like best. There are a few things to keep in mind: have you ever tried anal sex, or is this your first time? Are you looking for sex toys for a couple or a solo game? Each category of anal sex toys has its own specifics and advantages, so it will be easy to understand what works best for you.

Prostate massage

(Anal sex can be great for both women and men)

There are two ways to lead a man to ecstasy: one is well known and acceptable to everyone, and the other one, well, simply not everyone wants to try it. Prostate massage may sound a bit of an extreme way to experience an orgasm, but in reality there is nothing to fear. If you know how to do it right and what to use best, the orgasm you get from it will definitely turn your sex life upside down.

For the first timers

If you are planning to try anal sex for the first time, choose the softest option. Silicone massagers are perfect for it. The “Pleasure Provider” prostate massager will be suitable for men, while women most likely will like the small anal plugs.

These sex toys are made of silicone, which heats up very quickly and adapts to body temperature, is easy to clean and, above all, with proper care, it does not accumulate bacteria. These sex toys have a great price and quality and they will suit those who are just starting their quest for pleasure.

Anal Sex Toys
Prostate Massager “Pleasure Provider”

Anal sex toys for luxury lovers

For those who are not new to anal play and want to invest in an even more attractive design and more pleasure, the “Lelo Loki” prostate massager for men or the “Anbiguo Alexandru” anal vibrator for women will be perfect. One of the biggest advantages of the “Lelo Loki” is that it stimulates both the prostate and the perineum, and it has particularly strong vibrations.

“Anbiguo Alexandru” anal vibrator is made of silky smooth and body-friendly material. This vibrator will provide enjoyable stimulation with 7 types of vibration and a choice of intensity. Bonus – it has a remote control “wristwatch”.

Anal plugs

One of the most popular categories of anal sex toys is plugs. And this is not surprising – they are not expensive, they are very easy to use and great for both beginners and those who already have a lot of knowledge in anal games. The anal plug can increase the intensity of orgasm, as it stimulates several erogenous zones at the same time and creates the feeling of fullness that many need to have to experience orgasm.
Anal plug with remote control “Shaking”

Anal balls

While the plugs are intended to be inserted into the anus and left there during sex, the anal balls are intended to be moved. In other words, pushing them back and forth. Anal balls stimulate the nerve endings and create an unforgettable feeling. Usually the balls are of different sizes, so everyone will be able to choose up to what intensity they want to go.
Anal balls “Fifty Shades of Grey Pleasure Intensified”

Anal dildo

It is usually a dildo that comes to mind when you hear the words “sex toys”. Like regular sex games, these toys can greatly enhance anal sex. Dildos for anal sex are usually designed to be as comfortable and gentle as possible – no one will dispute that these criteria are decisive for such a sensitive part of the body. Sometimes they have a special curvature, which makes it easier to insert the toy, sometimes it is a slippery material that provides a smoother movement.

anal dildo
Anal dildo “Shaking”
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