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Contraception: Which to Choose?

In old biology textbooks it was written that abstinence is the best way to prevent pregnancy. However, is it really worth not experiencing pleasure like orgasm just because of old suggestions? We believe that sex should not be given up to avoid pregnancy. There are almost 20 different types of contraception on the market, so almost anyone can choose the one that suits them best.

Diversity of contraceptive methods

Often, couples use only of the most popular methods: condoms, pull-out method, or birth control pills. Due to various allergies, side effects or not very good effectiveness, these three methods of contraception may not be suitable for everyone, so in this article we will discuss not only them, but also alternative measures that may be a little less known.

However, before you start looking at the pros and cons of spirals or spermicides, you should answer some very important questions:
  • Does it matter to you which one of you will use contraception?
  • Are you planning to have children and maybe you don’t want them at all?
  • Are you able to stick to a schedule, or would you rather classify yourself as a forgetful person?
  • What is your income?
  • Do you want to not think about contraception every day, but just enjoy sex with your other half?
  • Do you have allergies?
  • Do you have a constant relationship with the same person, or maybe you have more than one partner?
  • Do you suffer from painful periods?

Given these aspects, all contraceptives available in the industry can be divided into several main groups:
  • Contraception – lifestyle;
  • Contraceptives that you have to use during each sexual intercourse;
  • Scheduled contraceptives;
  • Prolonged contraception;
  • Contraception for life;
  • Contraception after unprotected sex.

Contraception should be considered even if you do not have a regular partner. According to scientific sources, the average age at which young people lose their virginity is 17 years. Therefore, before starting an intimate relationship, it is important to be aware of possible ways to protect yourself.

Kontraceptinės tabletės ir prezervatyvai

Contraception – lifestyle

Let’s look first at the method of contraception, which does not require any pills or condoms. There are different lifestyle-based ways to prevent pregnancy: abstinence, natural family planning, withdrawal method, breastfeeding.

However, it is worth noting that these methods are not 100% reliable and can make it difficult to relax during sexual intercourse. In addition, they do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. On the other hand, they are especially suitable for couples who want children.

Natural family planning – Rhythm method

This approach is best suited for couples who have strong, harmonious, lasting relationships. The method of planning a pregnancy involves monitoring the menstrual cycle and symptoms to avoid sexual intercourse during the fertile days. Although this method of contraception is free, low risk and does not cause any side effects on human health, it is quite risky. According to the US Planned Parenthood Association, this method is effective in 76 to 88% of cases and is one of the least reliable compared to other methods of contraception.


As mentioned above, this method of contraception was probably the most popular in Soviet biology textbooks. Although it seems a bit unusual in today’s society, its effectiveness cannot be questioned in any case. In order to become pregnant, the sperm must reach the egg, but this cannot happen without sex with a partner. This method costs nothing and is 100% reliable. True, this does not mean that sex should be completely ruled out – you can still get the most out of solo games.


This is another way to prevent an unplanned pregnancy determined by your lifestyle. And although it is believed to be reliable in 98% of cases, gynecologists recommend not trusting it too much. Theoretically, if a woman is breastfeeding, ovulation does not occur, so the egg ready for fertilization simply does not form. However, according to various sources, it requires frequent breastfeeding – at least every 4 hours. In addition, if your baby is older than 6 months, the chance of getting pregnant increases significantly even if you are breastfeeding. Therefore, women are advised to always listen to their body: if menstruation begins, this method of contraception becomes ineffective.

Withdrawal method

One of the simplest and most popular methods of contraception, the effectiveness of which is completely transferred to the man’s hands: before ejaculation, he must remove his penis from your vagina so that the egg is not fertilized. Sounds simple, but is it really? This method is effective in preventing pregnancy in only 78% of cases, so it is very important to consider the potential risks with your partner before deciding whether to use it in your sexual life. In addition, it is important to keep in mind that this method can cause additional stress to a man, which often affects the quality of sex.


To avoid pregnancy, it is enough not to make vaginal sex. Therefore, it is possible to use different sex toys or try anal sex (but it should be noted that pregnancy can occur if the sperm enters the vaginal canal).

In the following articles we will look at other methods of contraception.

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