In the first happy moments after sex, you hardly think about what is happening to your body at that time. After all, the thought of a urinary tract infection is probably not the sexiest. However, in the first minutes after sex, we feel that some strange things are happening to our body, writes It is important to remember that sex, whatever its nature, is a physical activity that involves the whole body, and different bodies react differently, for example, redness of the skin or slight burning when urinating may occur. But not worth worrying about! Here we will describe what can happen to your body after sex.
1. Various pains
For women, painful sex is characterized by the term dyspareunia. This includes pain in the genitals that can occur before, during, or after sexual intercourse. This is a surprisingly common thing, and it covers everything from mild pain to cramps.
This is often due to the hormone oxytocin released during sexual intercourse, which can cause uterine contractions in a woman. If it happens from time to time or the pain is mild – nothing terrible. However, if the pain is persistent, you should see a gynecologist avoid major health problems.
2. Blood
If there is no menstruation and a little blood appears after sex, there is usually no reason to worry. Of course, if there is a lot of blood, you should definitely see your doctor, but a few drops are not worth panicking. It can be caused by inflammation of the cervix or small vaginal cracks, especially if the sex has been boisterous. This can also happen if you have a relationship with a new partner whose member is larger in size.
However, if blood appears regularly after sexual intercourse, you should be tested for sexually transmitted infections or other health problems.

3. Minor burning
If you feel a slight burning or tingling sensation when urinating after sex, the first thought maybe a urinary tract disease or a sexually transmitted infection. But in reality, a slight burning and tingling is quite common and usually disappears within a few hours.
To avoid this, you should take care of a sufficient amount of lubricant and urinate before and after sex.
4. Itchy feeling
If you have mild itchy skin on your external genitals, thighs, or abdomen after intercourse, it may be a reaction to a lubricant, condom, or even sex toy, especially if you try a new product or brand. If you have not used new products, you may have an allergic reaction to sperm, which can occur at any time, regardless of whether you have had a relationship with a regular or a new partner.
If symptoms are not severe, it may be a one-off reaction, but if you experience hives, swelling or any other severe physical reaction, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. However, mild itching is usually not worth worrying about, and it will go away on its own.
5. Willingness to urinate
We have already explained the importance of urinating before and after sex, but what happens if you suddenly feel the need to urinate after intercourse? There may be a number of relatively harmless reasons for this, but for women, it is most likely due to the uterine contractions we talked about earlier, or to bladder spasms that are not dangerous and usually go away quickly.
6. Unpleasant odor
Let’s be realistic: do not do without many physical movements in sex, which means that the body can sweat a little. In addition, if your body’s unique scent mixes with someone else’s scent, it may not smell very well. This is usually not a bad thing, although if your body constantly emits an unpleasant odor, you may want to see a doctor.
7. Pink cheeks
Many people develop a color on their face that is called “sex red” during arousal. Vascular relaxation can cause noticeable discoloration of the skin of the neck and chest, which is usually not even noticeable in the dark.

8. Skin irritation in areas of hair
The partner’s skin is exposed a lot during sex and this can cause slight irritation. This is especially noticeable if your partners have pubic or facial hair, so it’s no surprise that even a rash can appear. It’s usually not terrible, but if it doesn’t go away, see your family doctor.
9. Semen flow
If a man ends up in a woman during sex, then do not be surprised if underwear will have to be changed afterward. This is perfectly normal. After all, a woman’s body does not absorb the seed, so she simply has nowhere to put it. It is enough to wash thoroughly after sex.
10. Abundance of emotions
After sex, everyone may experience strong emotions: they may be a sudden feeling of sadness, anger or anxiety, or you may experience a strong feeling of euphoria caused by hormones released during sex. If you suddenly take over the sadness, it is due to a decrease in dopamine levels, which is completely normal after orgasm. Conversely, if you feel an improvement in your mood, it is most likely due to an increased amount of oxytocin, which makes you feel happy and smile. Both reactions are perfectly normal, as long as they do not interfere with enjoying sex. If this is the case, you should see a doctor see if everything is in order with your sexual health and hormones.