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Safe sex toy materials

Every day we demand that the bottles we drink from be BPA-free, that our food be organically grown and that we use cosmetics that do not contain parabens and other harmful substances. Unfortunately, the sex toy industry is less strict and manufacturers are relatively free to deal with the composition and labeling of the product. It is important to know which sex toy materials are safe for your body, so we have created a guide to these materials.

Safe sex is not just about protection

Safe sex toy materials for your body

Body-safe materials are safe to use near or in intimate areas and do not contain harmful substances such as phthalates. Most sex toys available on the market, especially those that are relatively low in price, contain harmful phthalates.

Phthalates are a chemical that makes plastics flexible, so they are often used to make dildos. Several studies have shown that phthalates are harmful to the human reproductive and respiratory systems.

Even more, phthalates create an unpleasant, strong plastic aroma. If the sex toy smells unpleasant, it is better to choose another product whose origin you can be sure.

Droši seksa rotaļlietu materiāli - silikons


The most popular material from which body-safe toys are made is silicone. It is durable, non-porous, maintains body temperature and is versatile – it can be both firm and extra soft.

Silicone is hypoallergenic, which makes it an ideal choice if you have sensitive skin.

  • Silicone toys that are not battery operated can be safely disinfected by boiling them for 3-5 minutes.
  • Silicone can also be cleaned with mild soap and water.
  • Clean it with a special cleaner for sex toys.
  • Clean it with isopropyl alcohol and then wash thoroughly.
  • LUBRICANT ! Silicone-based lubricants can damage silicone toys and should not be used at the same time. It is recommended to use a water-based lubricant with silicone toys.

! Silicone-based lubricants can damage silicone toys and should not be used at the same time. It is recommended to use a water-based lubricant.

Droši seksa rotaļlietu materiāli ABS plastmasa

ABS Plastic

ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastic) or impact-resistant plastic is a popular, body-safe, pore-free material that is also most commonly used in silicone toys that have vibrations.

Plastic is characterized by its excellent vibration control, which provides stable and strong stimulation.

This plastic is chemically stable, which makes the toys easy to clean, as well as safe – without smell and taste. Toys made of ABS plastic are rigid and retain their shape, which is important for sex toys designed to stimulate the G-spot and prostate.

  • They CAN’T be boiled, which means that they cannot be completely disinfected and should not be shared.
  • Mild, antibacterial soap and water or special sex toy cleaners are best for cleaning ABS plastic toys.
  • If manufacturer’s instructions allows it, you can clean it with isopropyl alcohol and then wash it thoroughly.
  • If you want to share a toy, use a condom.

ABS plastic toys can be used with all types of lubricants, but it is recommended to check the manufacturer’s instructions, as some plastic toys are not compatible with silicone lubricants.

Metāla seksa rotaļlietas


Metal toys are usually made of stainless steel or aluminum – they are non-porous, hypoallergenic, easy to clean and almost impossible to break.

Just like glass toys, they are great for temperature games – they can be cooled or heated (never use a microwave oven!).

Metal toys are an ideal choice if you like the rigidity and pressure provided by the weight of the metal.

  • They can be boiled by placing a towel between the edges of the toy and the pot (you don’t want to damage the finish of the toy).
  • As far as the metal conducts heat perfectly, be careful when taking the toy out of the pot – it will be very hot.
  • You can use antibacterial, mild soap and water or a special sex toy cleaner for faster care.

Metal toys can be used with any lubricant.

Stikla seksa rotaļlietas


Glass toys are getting more popular every day – they are beautiful, versatile, easy to clean and non-porous. Glass, like metal, is a great material for temperature games – it cools or heats them.

Borosilicate glass is one of the most commonly used materials in the manufacture of sex toys due to its resistance to impact, pressure and rapid temperature changes.

Some toys use limestone glass (pyrex), which is also impact-resistant but has a lower resistance to rapid heat changes and should be treated with more care.

! Glass toys should always be inspected before use, as they may show cracks, damages etc. If damage is found, it should no longer be used as a sex toy.

  • Glass toys can be boiled in the same way as metal toys – in a pot with a towel, which will protect the toy from damage that may occur in contact with the edges of the pot.
  • For faster cleaning, use mild soap and water or a special sex toy cleaner.

Glass toys can be used with any lubricant.

Elastomēra seksa rotaļlietas


Elastomer is a mixture of plastic and rubber (Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPE) & Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR)) that usually does not contain phthalates, latex or PVC. The elastomer is soft and flexible.

Most popular masturbators are made from materials such as SuperSkin, Cyberskin and others. These materials are elastomeric polymers and should be treated in the same way as other elastomeric toys, unless the manufacturer says differently.

Unfortunately, the elastomer is porous enough for bacteria to form rapidly unless it is properly cleaned. This is why we do not recommend sharing elastomeric sex toys. However, if you want to use such a toy with your partner, use a condom.

Although not proven, the use of a condom with elastomeric sex toys could prolong their life.

  • Elastomer toys are not completely disinfectable – they cannot be boiled or cleaned with isopropyl alcohol.
  • Use mild soap and water or special sex toy cleaners to clean it.
  • We recommend that you read the manufacturer’s instructions for their care.

Elastomer toys can be used with water-based lubricants.

Useful information

  • Sex toys must be disinfected before and between use, as well as between vaginal and anal use or partner changes.
  • Boiling is the safest way to disinfect a toy, but it cannot be done with ABS plastic, elastomer and motorized toys.
  • If in doubt – use a water-based lubricant.
  • Use a condom if you plan to share a toy.
  • If the toy smells or tastes unpleasant (like strong chemicals or rubber), then it is most likely not safe for your body.
  • If the product contains the word “jelly”, it is unlikely to be safe for the body and contains phthalates or other harmful substances.
  • Do not trust all manufacturers – make sure the product is safe before use and do your research.
  • Make shure that the product has the CE mark, which certifies that it complies with European requirements.
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