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Women’s mistakes during sex – it’s better not to do it

Whether you are fair or strong, this article will be especially useful for you! Take a look and find out what are the most common mistakes women make during the pleasures of bed to understand what exactly is the reason that does not allow to properly make love or even reach orgasm! To leave!

Women's mistakes during sex

Turning sex into a part of everyday life

Couples who have been together for a long time, the romantic feelings of sex that were in the beginning, gradually disappear. And it’s not just because partners are tired of each other or oversaturated, more often the main reason is the perception of sex as a part of everyday life. “Dinner, shower, sex” – it’s part of the schedule, but making love is a sensual and deeply emotional process.

Sexual blackmail

Women often use sex for mercantile purposes, including as a means of blackmail. “If you don’t come back from the party in time / don’t put on the shelf / don’t buy new boots – there will be no sex” – such arguments can often be heard from women’s lips. But sooner or later similar statements lead to an undesirable result and the bed remains empty and cold.

Complex “I’m terrible”

Of course, we are not perfect, everyone has flaws in appearance. But when a partner constantly emphasizes during love that something is wrong with him, it spoils the atmosphere and in the end, neither man nor woman can relax enough to receive and give pleasure.

Rejection of partner’s wishes and proposals

Often during sex, a man gives a hint or openly tells about his wishes in sex, but receives a strict rejection from the woman. Even if the lady finds something disgusting and she doesn’t want to do certain things, she has to try to choose the right words or offer a compromise. For example: “Beloved, I do not want to do it, but we can try.” Such findings can negatively affect sexual life in general.

Silence, not showing emotions

Women's mistakes during sex

It’s not just about loud moaning like in adult movies. It is important for a man to hear and understand a woman’s condition, feel emotions, see the reaction to his movements and actions. The same applies to the fact that the lady does not have to endure discomfort, pain, or discomfort. The task of sex is a pleasure!

An untidy woman

It is unlikely that a woman who has forgotten to take care of herself will be able to enjoy sex. After all, to enjoy the process, you should enjoy both the partner and yourself. In addition, it’s always nice to hear compliments, and if a woman forgets about hair removal, hair washing, or beautiful lingerie, the number of nice words can drop rapidly.

Past mistakes

The sexual experience is not always positive. Sometimes women don’t even want to remember certain moments – complete disappointment. It must be borne in mind that when building an intimate relationship with a new partner, there is no point in thinking immediately about past failures and resentments. What has been – let’s stay behind. Time to enjoy something new and beautiful!

Excessive chatter

Sometimes it is better to remain silent. Yes, expressing your wishes and emotions is very important and necessary, but there is no point in having an extensive dialogue during sex. Hardly a man is ready to discuss a loved one’s new dress, problems at work, and a girlfriend’s husband when it comes to a completely different aspect of life. Nor should one comment too much on what is happening or playfully portrayed pleasure, when in fact there is no such feeling at all.

Women's mistakes during sex

In order to maximize your intimate life and prevent the above mistakes, it is worth getting to know your partner’s sexual world better. Be sure to ask her/him these 70 questions!

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