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How to Make Sex Better? 6 Mistakes That Women Usually Make

Intimate life inevitably experiences both ups and downs, as well as complete stagnation. How to find a way out? Let’s break down the mistakes that women often make and tell you how to correct them and what to do to make the sex in your relationship better and more exciting.

Mistake No. 1 – He is always the one who initiates

Why don’t women show initiative? This is one of the biggest mistakes a woman can make. It is believed that such behavior may seem too energetic or aggressive, so fear stops the desire to take the reins in their own hands.

Meanwhile, most men feel as if they are always the initiator, which upsets the balance of the relationship. Men want their partners to tempt them as much as they do. Being stuck in outdated ideas about sex roles also inhibits our satisfaction with sexual relationships.

Maybe sometimes you can show initiative too. It is very likely that your partner will appreciate your efforts and you will experience a new level of satisfaction.

Kā padarīt seksu labāku? 6 kļūdas, ko parasti pieļauj sievietes

How to make sex better? 6 mistakes that women usually make

Mistake No. 2 – You worry too much about your appearance

Thinking about how you look during sex prevents you from enjoying the process and reduces your ability to experience orgasm. In order not to think about it, focus on feelings, pleasure. Men want women to feel liberated during sex, which is hard to do when they are only concerned with flaws.

Believe me, he won’t notice half of your flaws even if he wants to. Men are attracted to free, open, enthusiastic, energetic and interested women. Try to be like that during sex, and he won’t notice your waist, which could be a few centimeters narrower, or your thighs and buttocks, which could have less cellulite.

Mistake No. 3 — The belief that men only want sex without relationship

We need to get rid of outdated beliefs that women are not sexual beings or that sex is only for a man’s pleasure. Sex is important to men – there is no doubt about it. But a study reveals that couples in long-term relationships derive much more satisfaction from sex than from casual relationships.

In addition, people who are married have sex more often and with better quality. It reveals a lot about the disadvantages of casual sex.

Kā padarīt seksu labāku? 6 kļūdas, ko parasti pieļauj sievietes
How to Make Sex Better? 6 Mistakes That Women Usually Make

Mistake No. 4 – The belief that men are always ready for sex

Many things can affect a man’s libido, from family life to work, money or fatigue. This often surprises many women, and they begin to take men’s lack of interest in sex very personally. Remember, 99% of the time it has nothing to do with your partner not loving you anymore.

Mistake No. 5 – You don’t tell him what you like in bed

In other words, you’re not talking to him openly and directly about sex, what you like about it, what you’d like him to do, and what you’d like to try. Of course, putting your fantasies and desires into words can make you feel uncomfortable, even if you and your partner are very close. However, this is the only way to achieve a satisfying intimate relationship.

Every woman must take responsibility for her sexual experience – no man can bring her to orgasm if she is silent like a partisan.

Even the most skilled lover can’t know what you need unless you tell them.

Mistake No. 6 – You feel annoyed when he offers to try something new

You have been together for a long time and want to diversify your sex life, but when he offers something new, you are annoyed by these ideas? If your husband offers to try something new, remember that this does not mean that he is not happy with you or that he is not happy with sex. In short, don’t take it so personally.

It is true that it is important to stay in your comfort zone. No one should feel obliged to do what they do not want in the personal and intimate sphere. If your partner wants to try something that’s outside of your morals, make it clear that it’s not for you and explain why. Of course, speak with love and as gently as possible.

If it is not related to moral standards, but still not acceptable, be sure to explain why you feel that way. If the offer is sudden and catches you off guard, try not to react too stormy. You can say that you need time to think.

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