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The golden age of sexual life begins at the age of 40

It is widely acknowledged in society that sex has become less important and less enjoyable over the years. However, according to a study in Canada , 40 is the age at which the golden years of sexual life are generally experienced.

Most are happy with their sex life

According to a study by condom company Trojan conducted by the Sex Information and Education Council of Canada (SIECCAN), there should be no worries about libido loss in 40 years. In other words, researchers have found that sexual pleasure does not decrease with age. The results of the study are based on 2,400 Canadians between the ages of 40 and 59. The survey found out their sexual health, life satisfaction, sexual behavior and attitudes.

“Sex is as enjoyable for married people as it is for single people”

“As society ages, sex doesn’t become less important, less enjoyable, and less common,” explains Robin Milhausen, a researcher at sexuality and relationships at the University of Gelfa, Canada. “The survey shows that most middle-aged Canadians actually have a satisfying and active sex life.” Respondents stated that their last intimate stay with their partner was very pleasant. Most respondents said they were satisfied with their current relationship.

The study also found that as people get older, they allow themselves for more adventures. More than half of those surveyed (63%) said they were more interested in trying new things to increase their joy than ten years ago.

“Married people have as much sex as their single counterparts, but married men say they have had more fun loving their partner than single people,” Milhausen said of the study.

What can affect older people?

The results of the above study show that the golden age of intimate life begins at the age of 40, however, over the years, libido is affected by more factors. True, this does not mean that it will begin to decline rapidly or sex will become bad. The article “How libido changes” on webmd.com talks about the fact that many men between the ages of 30 and 40 continue to experience strong libido even after the age of 35, although testosterone levels begin to decline.

It usually drops by a few percent a year, but for some men the process is faster. It can affect libido. For many men, the stress of work, family and other responsibilities also reduces their interest in sex.

In turn, when talking about women, it is said that at this stage they experience the strongest libido. One study found that women between the ages of 27 and 45 had more and more sexual fantasies than younger or older women, resulting in more sex.

It is said that men over the age of 50, if they are in good physical and mental health, have no reason to worry about the extinction of sex life. However, with age, erectile dysfunction becomes more common and is not affected by age itself, but by health problems that become more common over the years, such as heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, obesity, and the drugs that treat it all.

For some 50-year-old women, reasons such as children and less anxiety about a possible pregnancy may lead to a greater interest in sex. However, as menopause approaches, estrogen levels decrease, which can slightly cool a woman’s libido and cause vaginal dryness. Heat waves, anxiety, weight gain and sleep problems can also reduce desire.

For both men with erectile dysfunction and women who have problems with their sexual life due to menopause, it is advisable to consult doctors about what measures to take, what treatments to apply and try to solve these problems.

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